Let your cork rise…
“The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth. Your goal is to find objects of attention that let your cork rise.”
This past month feels like I am stuck on a treadmill just going around and around and getting no where. To say the least life has been a challenge.
In reading the above quote over and over and I come to the bright idea that all corks rise and float which is of courses no surprise to you. So, using that analogy my cork wasn’t sinking it is just moving slowly but will eventually come to the surface. In good time it will rise.
For now, I will use my mantra of the Reiki Ideals and feel my cork rise:
Just for today do not worry
Just for today do not anger
Honour your parents, teachers and elders
Make your living honestly
Show gratitude to every living thing.
Give it a try!